Thursday, February 09, 2006

New TV for Pacman

We needed a good reason to get a new TV and it was not the Super Bowl!

Pacman a year ago, was just a BIG little kitten
He and the other cats love the warmth from
the cable box. He had no problem getting his
butt on it.

Poor Pacman about six months ago, he was a lot
bigger and could no longer fit. At least he front
end is nice and toasty!

Okay, Houston we got a problem, Pacman is too
big for the cable box, allmost to big for the old
Sony Trinitron 25" TV. Something has got to
change, and soon

AH!!! Much better Nice big 36" TV, Got my cable box and
DSL/wireless box's to keep me nice and toasty. Although
if I keep growing I might have a problem soon, I see a
Bigscreen, HDTV in our future!