Friday, December 30, 2005

Sleep apnea and junk food

Well the first night with the cpap was terrible, I ripped it off a few times and gave up after a couple of hours. Damm thing gave me panic attacks. So bad I felt like I was in the MRI machine ( and I hate that damm thing)
Went on some sleep apnea forums and read some (a lot) of posts and found that a lot of people also suffer from the same thing (claustrophobia) so that made me feel a little better.
I washed out the mask in some warm soapy water and that got rid of most of the icky hospital smell. I then tried it again. I left it on all night and though I did wake up 4 or times I was told that I did not snore!!!! Thats one problem fixed. The mask needs to be adjusted a little better as that was rubbing under my nose a little. Other then that I did sleep with it for over 8 hours. I woke up without a head ache and did have a little more energy today. I still felt tired mid morning and had to have a pre lunch siesta though. Hopefully it should be better tonight.

While I was resting this morning I thought of when I was driving the public bus over 15 years ago. That is when my weight problems started. I put it down to sitting and driving but today I remembered something. I used to eat lots of candy, gum and any other type of stay awake. I never realised why I was so tired all the time. Even to this day whenever I am driving a big vehicle I want to eat junk food. When I am out of the truck and home or on vacation I find I do not eat as much.
Let Chattymoon pick the bones out of this one lol!