Saturday, December 10, 2005

Okay, I submit to the Great and Wonderful Blogger


1) What did you do in 2005 that you hadn't done before?
..........Started Blogging

2) Did anyone close to you give birth?
...........Yes, they now have 5 daughters

3) Did anyone close to you die?
...........Yes, in the Bermuda Triangle we know almost everyone!

4) Did you travel?............. Yes,

4b) Where did you go?................ Toronto (saw lots of snow!), Boston, Rhode Island and New Jersey (Newark Airport) I like Newark Airport………..might tell that story one day!

4c) Best holiday memory?
............Spending time in Rhode Island with my Sisters

5) Best thing you bought?
...............19” LCD flat screen monitor for my computer

6) Where did most of your money go?
...............Bills, bills and more bills

7) What did you wish you had done more of?
...............exercise and eating better

8) What do you wish you had done less of?
...............Eating junk food

9) What kept you sane?
...............Blogging, Effexor and my family.

10) What drove you mad?
............... Bermuda politicians, Blogster going to hell, and the price of real estate

11) What did you celebrate?
...............As little as possible

12) What made you sad?
...............All the death and destruction that happened this year.

13) How was your birthday this year?
...............Do not ask me any more about birthdays!!!

14) What political issue stirred you the most this year?
............... Hurricane Katrina Disaster (or the lack of)

15) Where you in love in 2005?
................Yes, no and yes

16) What would you like to have in 2006 that you didn't have this year?
................World peace!!! YAH RIGHT…………….More money of course!!!

17) What date from 2005 will be etched in your memory and why?
................Nov 2nd 2005, the day I flew out of Bermuda to see my sister. (hey it’s a long story and I posted it on my old Blogster site)

18) What song will remind you of 2005?
................No one in particular.

19) Compared to this time last year are you happier?
...............Not really……………..well maybe with myself. I just wish I could provide more for my family.

20) Biggest achievment this year?
...............Overcoming another fear in my life……….Don’t ask

21) Biggest disappointment this year?
...............The year is not over yet, so I can still win the lottery….RIGHT!!!

22) Best new person you have met this year?
...............Most of the former blogsters and current bloggers that have helped me get thru this year

23) Valuable lesson you have learned this year?
...............TV is not important to me anymore

I Tag anyone who wants it next.......................