Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Tagged Again

I felt well enough for a couple of hours so I thought I would fill these out. Damm I “Hate” these things LOL

Four jobs you have had in your life:

1) Photographer for local newspaper
2) Drove a fuel truck for ESSO (EXXON) not the safest job (3000 gallons of high test on your ass)
3) Driving Tractor Trailer (narrow hilly twisting Bermuda roads)
4) I have a small computer repair business I operate out of the house (10 years)
Got to add this as well. I drove the Pink and Blue (government Bus) for five years and was even a tour guide for one season (got to drive 38 visitors with one hand on the wheel and the other holding a microphone)

Four Movies you could watch over and over:

1) 5th Element (Another actor I like Bruce Willis, checkout 12 monkees)
2) Kelly’s Heroes (Speaking of Clint Eastwood any of his movies as well)
3 All the James Bond movies
4) Back to the future Trilogy

Four places you've lived:

1) St. George's, Parish, Bermuda
2) Paget Parish, Bermuda
3) Warwick Parish, Bermuda
4) Hamilton Parish, Bermuda
All the moving around took place because I got married had kids needed more room and then I ended up where I started out from.... also I need to add this as well.

About 10 months after 911 my youngest daughter (7 years old) had to go for a two week drum course at the collective school of music in New York. I did not want to stay in a hotel so I rented an apartment on the Lower East Side. I think out of all my trips this was the only one I really felt like I was like everyone else. I consider myself to be lucky to have “lived” in New York City, even for only two Weeks

Four TV shows you love to watch:

1) Scifi Fridays Sci Fi channel (Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis and BattleStar Galactica)
2) Mythbusters
3) Any of the Korean Dramas on AZN ( American Asian Cable Channel) The one on at the moment is Secret or BIMIL in Korean
4) almost any thing on Discovery channel, National Geographic and Sci Fi

Four places you've been on holiday:

1) Orlando FL(lottsa times) All the tourist traps
2) San Diego and Los Angeles Again Disney Land and other tourist hit spots
3) Canada (Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal) Used to like Toronto but it is not as friendly a city anymore.
4) England and Europe (Switzerland, Italy)
And I gotta add Rhode Island as most of my “off Island Time” is spent with chattymoon!

Four Websites you visit daily:

1) http://lostinthetriangle.blogspot.com/ and all the links from within
2) http://www.coasttocoastam.com/ lots of good links from here
3) http://www.pprune.org/forums/ I am an aviation enthusist
4) any other site I find my self on as once I start surfing I never know where I will end up

Four of your favourite foods:

1) Butter Chicken (Indian cooked in a Tandoori Oven, red colour slightly sweet )
2) Almost any type of Curry (No creamy sauces as I can not handle dairy products that well. Coconut milk is fine though)
3) Pizza, Thin crust cooked in a wood fired brick oven (The oven has to be located in Northern Italy)
4) My homemade apple pie. (I fry the apples in a little butter then pour some Bacardi over them) All fresh and homemade except the Bacardi.

Four Places you'd rather be:

1) Any where but here!
2) Chattymoons
3) Swiss Alps
4)) Risa (Star Trek Vacation Pleasure Planet). Or the Holodeck then it’s a free for all (make sure its rated above R)

Four Albums you can't live without:

1) All Queen Albums
2) Bob Marley
3) ELO
4) Styx
Just so long as I have a “best of” I would be happy

Four Magazines you read:

1) Computer/Digital Photography
2) Flight/Aviation
3) Science/Space
4) Do not really buy to many magazine now as most of the good (FREE) stuff is on line anyway

Four cars you have owned:

1) Morris Mini (original) Checkerboard grill and all. My first Car
2) 1983 Daihatsu charade (coldonion called it on his old blog. The car had two port holes near the back and 3 cylinders) I swore I would never get another Daihatsu. Yet I brought a 88 charade in 95. The car never went in the shop and I did all the work on it myself got rid of it in 2005 because of rust
3) 1986 Suburu 4 wheel drive station wagon. (best car I ever had except for the rust problem that all 1970 to late 1980 Japanese Cars seem to have had
4) 1998 Nissan Wingroad Station Wagon Replace my Daihatsu Charade in February 2005. Another great car, the main problem is I have little experience with fuel injection systems. But I have started to tinker with it now!

I have had about 2 or 3 more cars as well but……….