Sunday, June 04, 2006

Miss my sister allready

Flew up to Boston on Friday with my eldest daughter to see her friend who in in a Boston Hospital. He was in a bad motorbike accident about a month ago. He was air ambulanced up to the Lahey clinic, He was moved to a rehab hopital downtown last week. He broke his back in the wreck and is paralised from the waist down. 23 years old, damm!! HE has such a bright oulook on life though, it was my first time meeting him and his smile is so powerfull as well as his will. I see why my daughter likes him. When we arrived at the centre Friday night his dad was waiting out in the cold and rain for us. As soon as I saw him I realised it was someone I had known for a long time. Bermuda is verysmall indeed!. Even he had on a brave face, and great smile. After the hugs and a few tears we were up in his sons room.

Not a good time for visiting as he had just been placed back on the ventilator, the good news is that he is being weened off and hope fully by next week he will need it only for sleeping at night. The doctors are amazed at how fast he is progressing, though seeing him all hooked up was a shock to me and especially my daughter. Comunication with someone on a ventilator is hard and I became a quick lip reader. (can not talk while on the machine) WE let about 930pm for the drive to Lindas in Rhode Island.

Lotsa rain (again!) and I got pulled over by the police for speeding, well I was and I was lucky, got off with a warning. I had made the mistake of staying in the fast lane, and of course going to fast. My fault but it slowed me down for the rest of my trip! Arrived at Chattys after the obligitory stop at McDonalds (yuck) but I like it all the same. Do not have one here so............

Nice to see Linda after only a few weeks, use to be once a year but I have manged 3 times this year so far, hope to return soon.

Saturday morning spent shopping with my daughter for her new "bed in a bag" manged to do everything by lunch time and drove back to Boston to see her friend again. More rain..............

I managed to locate the hospital on my own, well my daughter did help a lot. Did I mention I got lost the night before. Well not really lost, you could see the hospital it's just that we were going aroun and aroun in circles trying to fin the road that lead to it. With all the digging still going on it's a wonder I found a parking lot.
Caught a taxi to the hospital so we could make it before visiting hours ended.

Spent the afternoon with them, he was in a motorised wheelchair, sitting up and off the ventilator. He was able to talk, and some more friends were over from Bermuda visiting. Manged to watch the ducks (boat/bus) tours from the 9th floor window. All day they went around and around. Fully loaded with tourists. Somebody is making a lot of money.

After some tearful moments when we had to say goodbye We where back on the way to Rhode Island.

And then back to Bermuda. That ment a drive back to Boston this morning, in the rain again!!! and then on to Bermuda. It is 77 here now and very humid, but at least the sun is out.

Thankyou for putting us up this weekend Linda, poor Christy got so upset at the airport (she could not have a ciggy) That and saying goodby to her friend in hospital.

Which brings me to the reason for this post, it was just supposed to be a small caption under the picture. Linda has taken up this habbit the last year or so of looking out the window as I back out with the car, I only started noticing it last year. I wonder just how long she has done this?

Again love you guys, see you all soon, give Max a big rasberry for me
