Saturday, November 26, 2005

Time for a change

Well it's happened! The final straw so to speak. I have followed my many blogsters and after pulling up stakes, I have hopefully found a new home. I set up this blog to comment on coldonions site. Then found out my sister was over on Blogster so she encouraged me to post over there.

Well the last few months over at Blogster have seen a lot of changes and after todays latest I backed up my blog as well as my sisters and have decided to "move on up"

I will only say this reguarding the latest incident BANNING SOME ONES IP ADDRESS is not a good way of doing business. If you cant stand the heat..........stay out of the kitchen

more to come


Well I have tried everything to get my sister on to her old blog. The onlyway I can do it is thru a proxyserver. I have been told that "she is not banned" well it's too late even if she was'nt banned.