Tuesday, January 30, 2007

16 second 767 short take off roll

One of the shortest takeoff rolls I have ever seen for a wide body, American Airlines 767 lifted off in a little over 16 seconds! Mind you the wind was blowing 30 knots right down the runway.

St. Davids Lighthouse, Bermuda

Located on the eastern tip of the Bermuda islands, over looking runway 30. The Bermuda Stone lighthouse stands some 55 feet, or just over 200 feet above sea level. ... (more)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sick 'n' tired of being sick 'n' tired!

The title says it all. I have not had a good year health wise, oh at least I am alive, that in itself means a lot to me! But as December approaches and that means Christmas, I can only think about last year December and the first few months of this year. I was really sick. After weeks of going to the doctor I figured even he was thinking I was crazy. well I was not, and if it was not for the doctor I probably would not be here today.

Since then I have been plagued with many problems (some of which are probably self inflicted!) but when you wake up in the morning and put your feet on the ground, only to feel pain in your feet you know your day is going to be bad. Well it's been like that for a few months now.

Like my sister I have allowed myself to gain a lot of weight over the years. Being on antidepressants does not help. I have been off them since mid summer, the brain fog has lifted and I have dropped 2 pant sizes. If I keep up should be back to 38 waist by Christmas (just in time to gain it back from all the good food!)

Well I hope not, I have been on a "change of life diet" for the last 6 weeks or so. Biggest change is a 90% drop in sweet sugared drinks (only orange juice or apple juice a few times a week)other than that it is all water. Candy and my favorite junk food potato chips are only a few times a week as well. I also take my lunch to work, that alone saves a lot of money. Not really a diet, just trying to eat less packaged and prepared foods, and eat more fruit and vegies.

The only thing I wish I could do is walk or some other type of exercise. That brings me to the whole point of "I am Sick 'n' tired of being sick 'n' tired!"

I have pain everywhere, most of which is caused by Degenerative disc disease this affects the upper and lower parts of my spine. which in turn causes me all sorts of problems. So much so that even walking is quite painful. I think that loosing the weight will help though.

I was supposed to get a c5, c6, c7 fusion of the neck a few years ago. I did not as I am holding out for the "disc replacement alternative" this is in trials in the states but has been performed in Europe for a few years now. The surgeon says that these things come and go like waves. I have made it almost 2 years with my neck not bothering me to much. Then this summer the pain came back. Four months on most of the pain has gone though I still get some numbness in my fingers and arms from time to time.

This year saw my lower back also get inflamed, with similar problems that I had with my neck. Only this time of course the lower half of my body had numbness and pain.
That meant back into the dreaded MRI, and next week my all time favorite test, like something out of a Frankenstine movie. I get to pay to be electrocuted for the "ever popular and fun" Nerve Induction test (the doctor sticks needles in you to see how much nerve damage has occured)

Also had bouts of double vision (had those from time to time) and migranes (mainly the auras)My GP sent me to the eye doc, and he sent me to the ear doc!
Also pain in my fingers and toes. Just what the hell is going on?

Agian, I do not wish to feel like crap every day, I am tired of seeing doctors offices, and being poked and prodded. Hopefully my year of being Sick "n" Tired will end and then I can get on with being sick from a cold or something a little normal

Well I get to go to the dentist in a few weeks, maybe that will be a normal doctor visit. Oh hell it's a crown.

I think I must face up to the reality that next year I go 45, and I am just wondering, is this what folks older than me have gone or are going thru?

Even the doctor says I am not getting any younger!

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Return flight to Bermuda from Newark, Continental 737 800. Could not video landing because of turbulance due to winds gusting 35 - 40 knots.

Bermuda - Miami

AA flight from bda to Mia. Aircraft was a 737-800 series. Great early morning flight with one of the best landings I have ever experienced!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Last Flight from Bermuda

Another Air Canada pilot retires, his last flight to and from Bermuda celebrated with water sprayed from two Airport Rescue and Fire Fighting vehicles

Cha Cha Turtle

For my sister! She knows why!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Boulder Run

"The Boulder Run" Another ship load of boulders from Canada, These boulders had to be offloaded from the boat, lifted into our trailers, and then driven out to the Airport dump for storage. They will then be used to form a seawall to help protect the airport from the storm surge associated with Hurricanes. During Fabian (3 years ago) the airport Departure and arrivals areas suffered a lot of damage mainly from flooding.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

hurricane florence (part2)

Electricity is back on! I took a quick drive round the town just after the stormed passed at it's closest approach. Not much damage just some power out. Trees down and crap tossed all over the place.

Two more storms out there at the moment, Gordon and depression 8 (soon to be a storm)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hurricane Florence (part1)

Some Hurricance Florence video that I shot around St. George's today. Mostly shows boarded up shops and some shots of a closed Bermuda International Airport. Waves breaking on the rocks and deserted beaches and streets. The calm before the storm you could say. As I am writing this it's getting dark and the wind and rain has picked up a little more.
I will try to shoot some more during and after but have no idea when I will post as the electricity will more than likely be off. :^(